Supplier Email Campaign To Distributors 2


Promo Social Post offers supplier email campaign services to reach tens of thousands of distributors throughout North America. Here are the top 5 reasons to send email campaigns through our service:

The first email campaign for each supplier is offered at no charge, and subsequent campaigns may be purchased in the following packages:

# of Campaigns Time Frame Price/Campaign Total Price* Savings**
1 1 Month $250 $250 n/a
3 3 Months $225 $675 $75
6 6 Months $200 $1,200 $300
12 1 Year $175 $2,100 $900
24 1 Year $140 $3,360 $2,640
52 2 Years $100 $5,200 $7,800
*Ads are paid for upfront & must be used within the specified time frame **Savings based on comparison to purchasing one ad at a time

Suppliers will also receive one or more free ads in our quarterly supplier offers campaigns sent to distributors, as well as having the ad featured on our website for three months.

# of Campaigns # of Free Ads*
1-3 1
6 2
12 or more 4
* Free ads are done in consecutive quarters
Ad Package Size


We worked with Greg and Promo Social Post to help introduce our new selling platform to a wider audience of distributors. It was quick and simple to set up our campaigns, and we were delighted to receive tons of leads in response to each email. Highly recommend this service for anyone trying to get in front of an engaged audience of promo professionals.
Swag Space

Would you like to see what the email campaigns look like?

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