Video Instructions

Videos on social media have many more impressions and are shared more often than images... translated to "more people will see it!" We encourage you to provide us with brief video clip (ideally 10-15 seconds) in an MP4 file format. The video must meet the specifications below. As long as the video is a reasonable size you can email them to us, but if you have any problems upload them to our Google drive . If you do upload directly to our Google drive please email us so we know to retrieve the video(s).

For ideas of how the videos can be made, look at the examples below. A tool called Canva ( can be used to make the first three videos. The last two are record via camera and require more work.

Video Specifications

Height and width ratio - Aspect
We need a 1:1 aspect ratio (square). This is what will display best on all social media channels.

Max video length
The max length is 60 seconds, but we strongly encourage a much shorter duration. Many people are willing to look at a 10-15 second video, but when they see they are much longer they are more likely to skip it.

Audio is not required, but is nice. It's up to you if you want some background music, a narrator or simply the background noise from the production line.

You may consider using subtitles in the video to convey key messages. Just remember to keep them brief.

Please do not have your company name, item name/#/price in the video images or the audio portion. Our subscribers (distributors) do not want their customers to shop the product around. If an end customer wants to order the item or see a sample, our subscribers will know it is one of your products along with the item name/# in a monthly document they can download. Please email us the item name(s) and number(s).

Still/Image Instructions

We are looking for a lifestyle image with your product(s) in it or your product(s) at the foreground with a background image that goes along with the weekly theme. A lifestyle image is your product used in the real world. See below for an example. It is up to you what product(s) you want to feature on the post and if you want to have multiple products featured or just one.

File Sizes
Two Required in a PNG or JPG format
1) Square shaped: 1080 pixels wide x 1080 pixels high
2) Rectangular shaped: 1200 pixels wide x 675 pixels high making sure that all of the critical images are in the center 625 pixels in height (not the top/bottom 25 pixels)

If it is obvious in the image what your product is then that is great. If it is not real clear what the item is, you can include a generic item name next to the image.

Do not have your company name, item name/#/price in the video images or the audio portion. Our subscribers (distributors) do not want their customers to shop the product around. If an end customer wants to order the item or see a sample our subscribers will know if is one of your products along with the item name/# in a monthly document they can download.

Sample Images
This is a image for the Under $1 weekly theme. Since it is not obvious what some of the products are such as the lens cloth and tape measure the product names are next to the items.